eng test 2

1.        In case of life insurance, Insurable interest must exist
A.      At inception of policy
B.       Not needed
C.       At the time of claim
D.      Any time during the contract

2.         With this type of deposit the bank pays the principal and the total interest at the end of the term.
A.      Traditional deposits
B.       Recurring deposits
C.       Cumulative deposits
D.      Term Deposits

3.        The Premium on all riders put together should not exceed
A.      10% of the premium on the base policy
B.       20% of the premium on the base policy
C.      30% of the premium on the base policy
D.      40% of the premium on the base policy

4.        How riders will help the customer in life insurance?
A.      allows policyholders to customize their insurance cover with additional benefits
B.       rider is like a clause
C.       Operative clause.
D.      Rider is like Preamble.

5.        In Daily hospitalization cash benefit scheme,
A.      The daily amount paid is fixed and will never be more or less than the cost of actual treatment.
B.       The insurance company may pay an additional amount on a daily basis if the insured is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
C.       The insurance company will pay for doctor consultation fees incurred prior to hospitalization
D.      Only surgery expenses are included in daily hospitalization benefit

6.        A lump sum withdrawal allowed as commutation in pension plans is
A.      1/3rd of the accumulation fund
B.       1/4th of the accumulation fund
C.       1/2nd of the accumulation fund
D.      Full withdrawal is allowed

7.        Customer has opted for a 5 yrs guaranteed annuity option. What will happen to annuity, if the customer survives for 5 years after the end of guarantee period?
A.      paid up to 75 Yrs
B.       annuity will be continued for next 5 Years
C.      till he die
D.      not remembered

8.        In term insurance if Critical illness rider claim happens then what will happen to existing policy
A.      CI benefit will cease
B.       CI benefit reduced from existing sum assured
C.       CI benefit continues
D.      No change in policy.

9.        What is the main objective of taking the life insurance policy?
A.      Tax benefit
B.       Savings
C.       Investment
D.      Protection

10.     If person consumes alcohol- what is the type of hazard?
A.      Moral
B.       Physical
C.      Occupational
D.      Professional

11.     Group Insurance can be taken in following relationship
A.      employee- employer
B.       husband-wife
C.       family members
D.      society members

12.     Where one can approach in case of dispute?
A.      IRDA
B.       Consumer Forum

13.     Life insurance is the most important for which age group
A.      Young
B.       Pre- retirement
C.       Retirement
D.      children

14.     Where annually increasing flexible premiums operate under a life insurance policy, what rate of increase will generally apply?
A.      2.5%
B.       3.0%
C.      5.0%
D.      7.5%

15.     Kamal is willing to pay 60000/- per annum for his ULIP policy. What should be the SA in case he wants to avail the tax benefits?
A.      1 lacs
B.       3 lacs
C.       2 lacs
D.      1.50 lacs

16.     The regulations issued by the IRDA, require that the decision on the proposal must be conveyed to the proposer within
A.      15 days of receiving the proposal
B.       20 days of receiving the proposal
C.       25 days of receiving the proposal
D.      30 days of receiving the proposal

17.     Family floater health Insurance plan covers
A.      All members of a Family
B.       Husband and Wife only
C.       Parents only
D.      Children Only

18.     According to IRDA guidelines, how long does an insurance company have to complete its investigation of a claim?
A.      30 days
B.       90 days
C.       120 days
D.      180 days

19.     How the Daily hospitalization cash benefit will provide benefits to policyholder who is hospitalized?
A.      Entire charges are refunded.
B.       Entire charges less bed charges will be paid
C.      A fixed amount on a daily basis is paid irrespective of the actual cost of treatment
D.      Only Hospital bill will be paid

20.     Who is a regulator, supervisor and monetary authority of the financial system in India?
A.      IRDA
B.       SEBI
C.      RBI
D.      SBI

21.     Indisputability clause can be enforced by the insurance company during the
A.      First five years of policy
B.       First Two years of policy
C.       Claim
D.      Inception of the policy

22.     To ensure that the premiums are paid out of a legitimate source of funds cash is accepted
A.      Up to 50000
B.       Up to 99990
C.       Up to 100000
D.      Without any limit

23.     If there is no claim in a year than what will be the benefit to the customer as NO CLAIM BONUS
A.      Discount in next year premium
B.       Increase in Sum Assured next year
C.       Loans facility
D.      No benefit

24.     An individual is said to be competent to enter into a contract if they are
A.      18 year old
B.       21 year old
C.       23 year old
D.      25 year old

25.     Maximum time for investigation in disputed claim?
A.      1 month
B.       2 months
C.       3 months
D.      6 months

26.     The Ombudsman’s powers are restricted to insurance contracts of value not exceeding?
A.      50 lakhs
B.       30 lakhs
C.       25 lakhs
D.      20 lakhs

27.     In which section of Policy document, Information about the location of the insurance Ombudsman had written?
A.      Operative clause
B.       Attestation
C.      Information statement
D.      Endorsements

28.     In Cumulative bank deposit the interest that in normally compounded on what basis.
A.      Monthly
B.       Quarterly
C.       Half Yearly
D.      Annually

29.     The premium for accidental death benefit rider must not exceed
A.      15% of base policy premium
B.       25% of base policy premium
C.      30% of base policy premium
D.      40% of base policy premium

30.     If the annual premium for a plan is 32000 and a frequency loading of 4% is added in a quarterly premium what is the amount that needs to be paid.
A.      8000
B.       8320
C.       9456
D.      9240

31.     What amount of insurable interest does an individual have in his own life?
A.      20,000
B.       50,000
C.       Up to the sum assured taken in the plan
D.      Unlimited

32.     Ombudsman passes an award within which time
A.      1 month
B.       2 months
C.      3 months
D.      6 months

33.     If the license of an agent has been disqualified by a designated authority in 2010 then the person can apply for a license in which year.
A.      2013
B.       2015
C.       2017
D.      2020

34.      Under the hospital care rider what is the payout made
A.      10% of the sum assured
B.       Specified amount multiplied by the number of days the policyholder is hospitalized

35.     If the agent recommends the client to terminate an endowment plan and take a whole life in order to earn higher commission its termed as
A.      Switching
B.       Doing a financial planning
C.      Churning

36.     Mr. Denny is married and has 2 children and his parents are alive. He has taken a family floater plan. Under the plan who all will be covered.
A.      Denny
B.       Denny and his wife
C.       Denny, his wife and children
D.      Denny, his wife, his children and his parents

37.     Amit has taken a G-Sec and has parted with it mid way as he required the money with the intention of not getting the interest. What will he get?
A.      Discounted Value
B.       Principle amount
C.       Discounted Value with persistency bonus
D.      Principle with persistency bonus

38.     If bonus is given under a plan the additional premium added is known as
A.      Loading
B.       Investment
C.       Frequency

39.     Nomination can be in favor of how many people?
A.      One person
B.       Two persons
C.       Three persons
D.      It can be any number

40.     Suresh is suffering from Asthma and the policy in been done on joint life basis and the need for nomination under the plan is less as
A.      Joint life policy 
B.       Has physical ailment

41.     What key impact will the agent have in low persistency
A.      Increase more business
B.       Increase in the agents earning
C.       Will improve reputation
D.      Will have impact in his commission.

42.     Within how many days will the underwriter needs to inform the policyholder regarding the status of the policy.
A.      10 days
B.       15 days
C.       30 days
D.      45 days

43.     Certificate from the village panchayat
A.      Will be considered as standard age proof
B.       Will be considered as non standard age proof
C.       Will not be accepted

44.     What is the maximum sum assured under a micro insurance
A.      10000
B.       25000
C.      50000
D.      100000

45.     Varun wishes to pursue a career in insurance and wishes to be in a department which calculates the level of premium. In which department should he join?
A.      Actuary
B.       Underwriter
C.       Claim Department
D.      Accounts

46.     If Naresh wishes to take the tax benefit of the full premium paid which is 60000, what amount of sum assured should he avail in a ULIP plan.
A.      2 lacs
B.       3 lacs
C.       5 lacs
D.      6 lacs

47.     Ashish is looking at different plans of insurance for protection at the lowest premium. Which is the best plan for him?
A.      Term plan
B.       Endowment plan
C.       Whole life plan
D.      Money back plan.

48.     The insurance act of 1938 created which of these.
A.      IRDA
B.       Tariff Advisory Committee
C.       National Insurance Academy
D.      LIC

49.     Ashu is an illiterate person and his proposal form was filled by Nishu, then what is the additional requirement to be taken along with the documents.
A.      The policy needs to be advertised in the newspaper.
B.       Nishu has to sign an indemnity bond.
C.      Thumb impression of Ashu has to be taken.
D.      Ashu needs to be medically examined.

50.     Harsh’s policy matured, however he was paid only 25% of the sum insured in spite of all his premiums been paid on time. This indicates that his policy is a
A.      Term plan.
B.       Endowment plan.
C.      Money back plan.

D.      Wholelife plan.